How can I cancel my order?
How can I cancel my order?
As long as your order has not yet been processed, you can cancel it. You can either use the cancellation function in your customer account , contact us directly on +49(0)2304 3079724 or hello@ecofy.green or fill out the contact form .
My order was damaged in transit. What now?
My order was damaged in transit. What now?
Feel free to contact us by phone on +49(0)2304 3079724, by email at hello@ecofy.green or via the contact form . We will process your request as quickly as possible and send you a replacement item.
Heck, I received the wrong product. How do I get the right one?
Heck, I received the wrong product. How do I get the right one?
Feel free to contact us by phone on +49(0)2304 3079724, by email at hello@ecofy.green or via the contact form . We will process your request as quickly as possible and send you the right item.
My package never arrived. What can I do?
My package never arrived. What can I do?
Feel free to contact us by phone on +49(0)2304 3079724, by email at hello@ecofy.green or via the contact form . We will process your request as quickly as possible and check when your package will arrive.
Unfortunately, it sometimes happens that shipments are lost, damaged, undeliverable or delivery is delayed due to obstacles, strikes or other problems. We apologize for this and hope you understand that we are powerless here. We will then contact the shipping service provider immediately and clarify the matter immediately.
Product specific questions
Can I also use the product on other materials or surfaces?
Can I also use the product on other materials or surfaces?
If the product description or application declaration does not provide any information as to whether you can also use the product in other areas, please contact us. This can be done by phone on +49(0)2304 3079724, by email at hello@ecofy.green or by using the contact form .
Do you actually offer...
Do you offer volume discounts for larger purchase quantities?
Do you offer volume discounts for larger purchase quantities?
We have special discounts for larger quantities. Just talk to us, whether you're a private or business customer: by phone on +49(0)2304 3079724, by email at hello@ecofy.green or via the contact form .
Do you also offer the products in private labels?
Do you also offer the products in private labels?
If you as a company are interested in expanding your range with our products - whether in a private label or under our brand eco:fy® - then this is definitely possible. Our products are perfect as an extension of the existing portfolio and offer your customers added value in addition to your existing range. Feel free to contact us at +49(0)2304 3079724, by email at hello@ecofy.green or via the contact form .